- High school diploma
- Placement through a nation-wide examination organized by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM)
- No registration at another university
The university placement is carried out only by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) through a nation-wide examination.
The explanation about applications and application deadlines are announced on the website of GTU. Applications can be made by post or by personally to the Student Affairs Office at an indicated date. Applicant can opt for maximum 3 departments and fill a preference form while making the application.
Placement is based on national and international exams and minimum scores from these exams. Exams of having the status of high school graduation exam (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, GCE, Tawjihi, etc.) are permanently valid. However, university entrance exams (SAT, TCS, etc) have limited validity of two years.
All the applications are evaluated by GTU International Students Commission.
Student must be a full-time student at their home university. An Interinstitutional Agreement/Protocol must exist between student’s home university and Gebze Technical University. The home university must officially nominate student as an exchange student, and send their application documents to GTU External Relations Office. The applications are evaluated in coordination by the department of application and External Relations Office.