Syllabus ( MBG 114 )

   Basic information
Course title: Biology Laboratory II
Course code: MBG 114
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem AKKAYA
ECTS credits: 5
GTU credits: 2 (0+4+0)
Year, Semester: 1, Spring
Level of course: First Cycle (Undergraduate)
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Mode of delivery: Face to face , Lab work
Pre- and co-requisites: To pass the pre-laboratory quiz exams, you need to obtain a score of 60 or higher.
Professional practice: No
Purpose of the course: Assessment of living things in Monera, Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animal Kingdoms by morphologically, anatomically, histologically and experimentally.
   Learning outcomes Up

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Comprehend scientific terminology in regard to structure and processes in biological organisms and explain the relationship between organisms and their environment they live in.

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. To be able to define general concepts and problems related to Molecular Biology and Genetics and to produce solutions.
    2. To be able to understand the relationship between matter and energy in organisms.
    3. To be able to define the structure-function relationship at the molecular level in cells and organisms.
    4. To be able to explain the genetic information flow in organisms and populations.

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
    2. Laboratory exercise/exam
  2. Distinguish animal and plant tissues and collate anatomical differences between tissues

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. To be able to understand the relationship between matter and energy in organisms.
    2. To be able to define the structure-function relationship at the molecular level in cells and organisms.

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
    2. Laboratory exercise/exam
  3. Establishes a hypothesis based on the current knowlodge by observing a problem in the nature in accordance with the scientific thought process, designs experiments for solving, interprets the results obtained and develops sustainable approaches to solve the problem.

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. To be able to understand the relationship between matter and energy in organisms.
    2. To be able to comprehend the history and nature of scientific thinking and to apply them to problems in the field.
    3. To be able to drive hypotheses using existing knowledge, designing and conducting experiment for problem solving and make correct interpretation of the results obtained from the experiment.
    4. To be able to apply biological concepts to individual, social, economic, technologic and environmental issues and to develop sustainable approaches for problem solving.

    Method of assessment

    1. Homework assignment
   Contents Up
Week 1: Monera Kingdom,
1. Bacteria
2. Cyanobacteria
Week 2: Protists Kingdom,
1. Excavata
2. Chromalveolata
3. Rhizaria
4. Archaeplastida
5. Unikonta
Week 3: Fungi Kingdom,
1. Multicellular (Filamentous) fungi
2. Unicellular (Yeast) fungi
Week 4: Plants Kingdom,
1. Non-vascular plants (bryophytes)
2.Vascular plants
a) Seedless plants
b) Seed plants
i) Gymnosperms
ii) Angiosperms
- Monocots
- Dicots
Week 5: Plant growth and development,
1. Seed germination,
2. Organ growth and development,
a) Primary growth (apical meristems)
b) Secondary growth (Lateral meristems)
Week 6: Plant Structure and function,
1. Plant cell types and organelles
a) Epidermis
b) Parenchyma
c) Collenchyma
d) Sclerenchyma
e) Water-Conducting Cells of the Xylem and Sugar-Conducting Cells of the Phloem
- Translocation
- Osmosis, Plasmoliis, Turgor
- Chloroplast, Vacuol, Nucleus
Week 7: 2. Plant Tissues,
a) Dermal tissue
b) Ground tissue
c) Vascular tissue, Mid-term Exam
Week 8: Animal Kingdom,
1. Invertebrate
2. Vertebrate
Week 9: Animal Growth and Development,
1. Early embryonic development
Week 10: Animal Form and Function,
1. Animal tissues
a) Epitellium tissue
b) Connective tissue
Week 11: c) Muscle tissue
d) Nervous tissue
Week 12: 2. Animal Organs and Systems,
a) Mammalian heart (Circulatory systems)
b) Mammalian kidney (Excretory systems)
Week 13: 2. Animal Organs nnd Systems
a) Earth worm
b) Frog
i) Digestive systems
ii) Circulatory systems
iii)Respiratory systems
iv) Immune and lymphatic systems
v) Excretory systems
vi) Endocrine systems
vii) Reproductive systems
viii) Nervous systems
ix) Integumentary systems
x) Skeletal systems
xi) Muscular systems
Week 14: Biological Systems
Organism and Ecology
Week 15*: -
Week 16*: Final Exam
Textbooks and materials: Laboratuvar föyleri
Bitki ve Hayvan anatomik ve histolojik hazır mikroskop preparatları
Recommended readings: [1]Biology, P.H. Raven, G.B. Johnson, K.A. Mason, J.B. Losos, S.R. Singer, McGraw-Hill Int. 9th Ed. 2010
[2] Essential Cell Biology 3e, Alberts, Bruce Yayınevi: Garland, 2009
[3] Biology, N.A. Campbell, J.B. Reece, L.A. Urry, M.L. Cain, S.A. Wasserman, P.V. Minorsky, R.B. Jackson, Benjamin Cummings, 8th edition, 2007
[4] Biology, Slyvia Mader, McGraw-Hill Int, 10th Ed. 2009
  * Between 15th and 16th weeks is there a free week for students to prepare for final exam.
Assessment Up
Method of assessment Week number Weight (%)
Mid-terms: 7 25
Other in-term studies: 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13 25
Project: 0 0
Homework: 0 0
Quiz: 0 0
Final exam: 16 50
  Total weight:
   Workload Up
Activity Duration (Hours per week) Total number of weeks Total hours in term
Courses (Face-to-face teaching): 3 14
Own studies outside class: 1 14
Practice, Recitation: 0 0
Homework: 0 0
Term project: 0 0
Term project presentation: 0 0
Quiz: 3 14
Own study for mid-term exam: 6 2
Mid-term: 2 1
Personal studies for final exam: 10 1
Final exam: 2 1
    Total workload:
    Total ECTS credits:
  * ECTS credit is calculated by dividing total workload by 25.
(1 ECTS = 25 work hours)