Syllabus ( EMS 691 )

   Basic information
Course title: Seminar I
Course code: EMS 691
Lecturer: Assigned academic advisor
ECTS credits: 7.5
GTU credits: 0 (0+2+0)
Year, Semester: 1/2, Fall
Level of course: Third Cycle (Doctoral)
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Turkish
Mode of delivery: Face to face , Group study
Pre- and co-requisites: none
Professional practice: No
Purpose of the course: It is aimed to determine a research topic for the thesis study, to complete the literature research, design and implementation steps related to the determined topic and to bring the thesis study to a certain level.
   Learning outcomes Up

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. To recognize different research methods and to choose the appropriate one for the research subject To gain research, communication and presentation skills in the field of individual and team based resources Define the concepts, theoretical and practical management processes related to writing thesis and presentation, comprehend and apply the relations

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. To know the application domain of Earth-Marine Science
    2. To be able to interpret the produced data in terms of complex processes occurring in nature by processing with different software
    3. To be able to fulfill their responsibilities fully and on time in group work and scientific projects
    4. To be aware of and follow the rapid technological and scientific change in the field of Earth and Marine science
    5. Adopting an open approach to continuous learning and following up-to-date and reliable sources of information
    6. To be able to write reports, scientific articles and theses at international level in accordance with ethical rules

    Method of assessment

    1. Seminar/presentation
   Contents Up
Week 1: Determining the keywords, literature sources, determining the area of interest as a draft
Week 2: Determination of the subject of the seminar
Week 3: Literature review.
Week 4: Literature review.
Week 5: Literature review.
Week 6: Literature review.
Week 7: Literature review.
Week 8: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 9: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 10: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 11: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 12: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 13: Evaluation and application of the information compiled with the literature study
Week 14: Preparation of the presentation of the study results
Week 15*: Preparation of the presentation of the study results
Week 16*: Presentation and evaluation of the study results.
Textbooks and materials: To be nominated as per the selected topic and content.
Recommended readings: To be nominated as per the selected topic and content.
  * Between 15th and 16th weeks is there a free week for students to prepare for final exam.
Assessment Up
Method of assessment Week number Weight (%)
Mid-terms: 0
Other in-term studies: 6,7,8,9,10 40
Project: 11,12,13 60
Homework: 0
Quiz: 0
Final exam: 0
  Total weight:
   Workload Up
Activity Duration (Hours per week) Total number of weeks Total hours in term
Courses (Face-to-face teaching): 0 0
Own studies outside class: 5 15
Practice, Recitation: 4 15
Homework: 0 0
Term project: 3 15
Term project presentation: 2 4
Quiz: 0 0
Own study for mid-term exam: 0 0
Mid-term: 0 0
Personal studies for final exam: 0 0
Final exam: 0 0
    Total workload:
    Total ECTS credits:
  * ECTS credit is calculated by dividing total workload by 25.
(1 ECTS = 25 work hours)