Syllabus ( BENG 426 )

   Basic information
Course title: Theoretical Neuroscience
Course code: BENG 426
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Muhammet UZUNTARLA
ECTS credits: 5
GTU credits: 3 ()
Year, Semester: 4, Spring
Level of course: First Cycle (Undergraduate)
Type of course: Departmental Elective
Language of instruction: English
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Pre- and co-requisites: Yok
Professional practice: No
Purpose of the course: This course aims to present theoretical information on neuroscience including physical principles and mathematical models.
   Learning outcomes Up

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Define the dynamics of neurological systems.

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Acquire knowledge on biological, chemical, physical and mathematical principles which constitute the basis of bioengineering applications
    2. Apply mathematical analysis and modeling methods for bioengineering design and production processes.

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
  2. Model the artificial neurological systems

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Convert biological, chemical, physical and mathematical principles into novel applications for the benefit of society,
    2. Apply mathematical analysis and modeling methods for bioengineering design and production processes.

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
  3. Relate the models of learning to neuroscience.

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Convert biological, chemical, physical and mathematical principles into novel applications for the benefit of society,
    2. Find out new methods to improve his/her knowledge.

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
   Contents Up
Week 1: Ion flux in membranes and Nernst Planck Equation
Week 2: Ion-Channels, Excitable membranes,
Week 3: Spiking, Hodgkin Huxley models
Homework 1
Week 4: Integrate and Fire Neurons
Week 5: Neural Encoding and Decoding
Homework 2
Week 6: Spike train statistics
Week 7: Aksiyon potansiyel istatistikleri
Midterm Exam
Week 8: Applications of Information Theory in neural coding and decoding
Week 9: Plasticity: Adaptation and Learning
Homework 3
Week 10: Synapses: structure and function, plasticity
Week 11: Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
Homework 4
Week 12: Learning rules, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Week 13: Classical conditioning
Week 14: Reinforcement Learning
Week 15*: -
Week 16*: Final Exam
Textbooks and materials: Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, Liam Paninski, (2014) Neuronal Dynamics From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition, Cambridge University Press.
Recommended readings: Dayan P., Abbott L. F., 2001, Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems, MIT Press.
  * Between 15th and 16th weeks is there a free week for students to prepare for final exam.
Assessment Up
Method of assessment Week number Weight (%)
Mid-terms: 7 40
Other in-term studies: - 0
Project: - 0
Homework: 3,5,9,11 20
Quiz: - 0
Final exam: 16 40
  Total weight:
   Workload Up
Activity Duration (Hours per week) Total number of weeks Total hours in term
Courses (Face-to-face teaching): 3 14
Own studies outside class: 1 14
Practice, Recitation: 0 0
Homework: 6 4
Term project: 0 0
Term project presentation: 0 0
Quiz: 0 0
Own study for mid-term exam: 3 7
Mid-term: 3 1
Personal studies for final exam: 3 7
Final exam: 3 1
    Total workload:
    Total ECTS credits:
  * ECTS credit is calculated by dividing total workload by 25.
(1 ECTS = 25 work hours)