Syllabus ( GST 529 )

   Basic information
Course title: Heat and Mass Transfer
Course code: GST 529
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan TAMSÜ SELLİ
ECTS credits: 7.5
GTU credits: 3 (3+0+0)
Year, Semester: 1/1, Fall and Spring
Level of course: Second Cycle (Master's)
Type of course: Area Elective
Language of instruction: English
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Pre- and co-requisites: none
Professional practice: No
Purpose of the course: The aim of this course is to provide knowledge of transport phenomena and basic mathematical skills to describe and analyze steady behavior of fluids flows and energy transport. They are the basis of the course and Newton’s law of viscosity and Fourier’s law of heat conduction are reviewed. Measurement methods for transport phenomena and dimensionless parameters such as the Reynolds number are discussed. Students will acquire basic skills for mathematical and physical modeling of materials processing operations.
   Learning outcomes Up

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

   Contents Up
Week 1: Systems of Units, Pressure
Week 2: Temperature and ideal gas
Week 3: Properties of Fluids and Variation of Flows
Week 4: Laminar Flow and Conservation of Linear Momentum
Week 5: Viscous Flow, Stress-Deformation Relationship
Week 6: Laminar and Turbulent Flow of Pipe
Week 7: Friction and Friction Loss
Week 8: Midterm
Week 9: The Fourier Law and Basic Conductivity
Week 10: Heat Conduction and Energy Equations
Week 11: The Plane Wall with Convection
Week 12: The cylindrical shape with Convection
Week 13: Diffusion of solids, liquids and gasses
Week 14: Diffusion of solids, liquids and gasses
Week 15*: Review
Week 16*: Final
Textbooks and materials: D. R. Poirier ve G. H. Geiger, "Transport phenomena in Materials Processing" Publication of TMS, Wiley (July 9, 1998)
Recommended readings: Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena
Fundementals of Heat and Mass Transfer,Frank P. Incropera,David P. Dewitt, ,John Wiley & Sons Inc,0-471-38650,USA,2006
  * Between 15th and 16th weeks is there a free week for students to prepare for final exam.
Assessment Up
Method of assessment Week number Weight (%)
Mid-terms: 8 40
Other in-term studies: 0
Project: 0
Homework: 0
Quiz: 0
Final exam: 16 60
  Total weight:
   Workload Up
Activity Duration (Hours per week) Total number of weeks Total hours in term
Courses (Face-to-face teaching): 3 14
Own studies outside class: 3 14
Practice, Recitation: 0 0
Homework: 7 10
Term project: 0 0
Term project presentation: 0 0
Quiz: 0 0
Own study for mid-term exam: 15 1
Mid-term: 1 1
Personal studies for final exam: 10 2
Final exam: 2 1
    Total workload:
    Total ECTS credits:
  * ECTS credit is calculated by dividing total workload by 25.
(1 ECTS = 25 work hours)