Syllabus ( CBRN 512 )

   Basic information
Course title: Bioterrorism Agents and Diseases
Course code: CBRN 512
Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Sonay ÖZKAN
ECTS credits: 7.5
GTU credits: 3 (3+0+0)
Year, Semester: 2018, Fall and Spring
Level of course: Second Cycle (Master's)
Type of course: Area Elective
Language of instruction: Turkish
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Pre- and co-requisites: NONE
Professional practice: No
Purpose of the course: Information about bioterrorism agents and classification. Bioterrorism: Prevention, Prepardeness and Protection
   Learning outcomes Up

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Know information about bioterrorism agents Know information about disease caused by bioterrorism agents Know information about identification, treatment and precaution about diseases caused by bioterrorism agents

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Define, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (cbrn) concepts in a specialized way and apply them in CBRN defense
    2. Understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within his/her research field
    3. Question and find out innovative approaches
    4. Work effectively in multi-disciplinary research teams
    5. Asses risks of natura lor human made CBRN threats
    6. Develop stragies and/or product in order decicease risks of national and intenational CBRN threats
    7. Find out new methods to improve his/her knowledge
    8. Effectively express his/her research ideas and findings both orally and in writing
    9. Understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working practices
    10. Apply of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear concepts to individual, social, economic, technological and ethical aspects

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
    2. Homework assignment
    3. Seminar/presentation
    4. Term paper
  2. Knowledge about diseases caused by bioterrorism agents

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Define, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (cbrn) concepts in a specialized way and apply them in CBRN defense
    2. Understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within his/her research field
    3. Question and find out innovative approaches
    4. Gain original, independent and critical thinking, and develop theoretical concepts and tools
    5. Asses risks of natura lor human made CBRN threats
    6. Develop an awareness of continuous learning in relation with modern technology
    7. Find out new methods to improve his/her knowledge
    8. Effectively express his/her research ideas and findings both orally and in writing
    9. Be aware of issues relating to the rights of other researchers and of research subjects e.g. confidentiality, attribution, copyright, ethics, malpractice, ownership of data
    10. Understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working practices
    11. Apply of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear concepts to individual, social, economic, technological and ethical aspects

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
    2. Homework assignment
    3. Seminar/presentation
    4. Term paper
  3. Knowledge about diagnoses, treatment and precaution on diseases caused by bioterrorism agents

    Contribution to Program Outcomes

    1. Define, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (cbrn) concepts in a specialized way and apply them in CBRN defense
    2. Question and find out innovative approaches
    3. Gain original, independent and critical thinking, and develop theoretical concepts and tools
    4. Develop stragies and/or product in order decicease risks of national and intenational CBRN threats
    5. Effectively express his/her research ideas and findings both orally and in writing
    6. Understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working practices
    7. Apply of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear concepts to individual, social, economic, technological and ethical aspects

    Method of assessment

    1. Written exam
    2. Homework assignment
    3. Seminar/presentation
    4. Term paper
   Contents Up
Week 1: Clasification of Bioterrorism Agents
Introduction to Prevention, Prepardeness and Protection of Bioterrorism
Week 2: Brucella sp. / Brucellosis
Bacillus anthracis / Anthrax
Brucella sp. / Brucellosis
Burkholderia mallei / Glanders
Burkholderia pseudomallei / Melioidosis
Week 3: Chlamydia psittaci / Psittacosis
Clostridium botulinum toxin / Botulizm
Week 4: Shigella sp. / Shigellosis
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
E. coli O157:H7 (Escherichia coli) / food contamination and poisoning
Week 5: Clostridium perfringens / Epsilon toxin
Cryptosporidium parvum / water contamination
Coxiella burnetii / Q FEVER)
Week 6: Francisella tularensis/ Tularemia
Ricin toxin / Ricinus communis (castor beans)
Rickettsia prowazekii / Typhus fever
Week 7: Salmonella species / Salmonellosis
Salmonella typhi / Typhoid fever
Week 9: Vibrio cholerae / Kolera
Yersinia pestis / Plague
Week 10: Venezuelan equine encephalitis
Eastern equine encephalitis
Western equine encephalitis
Week 11: Bunyaviruses
Week 12: Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Filoviruses: Ebola, Marburg
Week 13: Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Arenaviruses : Lassa, Machupol
Week 14: Variola majör / Smallpox
Nipah virüs
Week 15*: SUMMARY
Week 16*: FINAL EXAM
Textbooks and materials: Haftalık ders başlıkları ile ilgili güncel makaleler
Ders notları
Recommended readings: 1.Bioterrorism and Infectious Agents: A New Dilemma for the 21st Century I.W. Fong, Kenneth Alibek Springer Science & Business Media, 18 Mar 2010 - 273 sayfa
2.Bioterrorism: Prevention, Prepardeness and Protection. 26 Apr 2007 by J.V. Borelli
3.Agents of Bioterrorism Pathogens and Their Weaponization. 29 Feb 2008 by Geoffrey Zubay
4.Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents for the Prevention of Terrorism: Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Joseph Banoub 3 Kasım 2014 Springer
5.Detection of Biological Agents for the Prevention of Bioterrorism Joseph Banoub Springer, 14 Ara 2010 - 360 sayfa
6.Microorganisms and Bioterrorism Burt Anderson Herman Friedman Mauro Bendinelli
26 Mayıs 2007 Springer Science & Business Media
7.Pathology of Infectious Diseases E-Book: A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology. Gary W. Procop . 21 Temmuz 2014. Elsevier Health Sciences
8.Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Diseases E-Book. Danny A Milner . 3 Haziran 2015
Elsevier Health Sciences
9.Crash Course: Infectious Diseases - E-Book. . 10 Aralık 2014. Elsevier Health Sciences
  * Between 15th and 16th weeks is there a free week for students to prepare for final exam.
Assessment Up
Method of assessment Week number Weight (%)
Mid-terms: 8 20
Other in-term studies: 1-7 ve 9-15 10
Project: 13 10
Homework: 2-7 ve 9-15 20
Quiz: 0
Final exam: 16 40
  Total weight:
   Workload Up
Activity Duration (Hours per week) Total number of weeks Total hours in term
Courses (Face-to-face teaching): 3 14
Own studies outside class: 4 14
Practice, Recitation: 0 0
Homework: 3 13
Term project: 4 2
Term project presentation: 0 0
Quiz: 0 0
Own study for mid-term exam: 8 3
Mid-term: 3 1
Personal studies for final exam: 8 1
Final exam: 3 1
    Total workload:
    Total ECTS credits:
  * ECTS credit is calculated by dividing total workload by 25.
(1 ECTS = 25 work hours)