Ders kitapları ve materyaller: |
1 Coherent Radar Performance Estimation; James Scheer, James Kurtz, Artech House, 1993 2 Design and Implementation of a 200 to 1600 MHz, Stepped Frequency, GPR Transceiver, Gordon Farquharson, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1999 3 The Design of Hardware and Signal Processing for a SFCW GPR, Alan Langman, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2002 4 Comparison of a Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave and a Pulsed GPR System; Jürg Leckebusch, Archeological Prospection, 18, 15-25, 2011 5 Radar Handbook, 3rd ed.; Merril Skolnik, 2008 6 A Stepped Frequency GPR System for Underground Prospecting; Giovanni Alberti et. al., Annals of Geophysics, Vol.45, N.2, April 2002 7 Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar Applications, Vladimir Sugak, MSMW 2016, Kharkive, Ukraine 8 Stepped-Frequency Radar Design and Signal Processing Enhances Ground Penetrating Radar Performance; D.A.Noon, Ph.D. Thesis, 1996 9 Ultra Wideband Ground Penetrating Radar, with Application to the Detection of Anti-Personnel Landmines, Bart Scheers, Ph.D. Thesis, 2001 10 Ultra Wideband Gated Step Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar, Oyan, Hamran et al., IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.50 No.1, January 2012 11 The Effect of Phase Noise in a Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar, Genderen, 2001, IEEE 12 Theory, Design, Analysis, and Implementation of a Spectrally Agile Frequency-Incrementing Reconfigurable (SAFIRE) Forward-Looking GPR, Brian Phelan, Ph.D. Thesis, 2016 13 Stepped Frequency Radar Sensors, Theory, Analysis and Design, Cam Nguyen, Joongsuk Park, Springer Verlag, 2016 14 Signal and image processing algorithms for the US Army Research Lab UWB SIRE radar, L. Nguyen, Rep. ARL-TR-4784, April 2009 15 Mathematical-statistical description of the iterative beam removing technique (method CLEAN), U. Schwarz, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.65, p. 345-356, 1978 16 An efficient implementation of the algorithm CLEAN, B. G. Clark, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.89, p.377-378, 1980. 17 US Patent 7796829 B2, 2010 : L. Nguyen and J. Sichina, Method and system for forming an image with enhanced contrast and/or reduced noise |